

With all the discord in the world today, the problems of the individual often pale in comparison. Those that "lead" the shifting borders that contain these individuals, see the public as wholly insignificant. They grasp for the meager straws of what is left of our once proud and free nation, hoping to become powerful and profitable enough to keep their stranglehold on comfort and luxury. They do not care about us, the Insignificants, who do the dirty work they can't be bothered with.

It's certainly the same old tale throughout history, groups come to power exploiting the masses and then fade away or are conquered by another group who repeats the process. So the cycle goes and goes. The current turmoil we face in New York is the extreme of this ridiculous struggle for power. 7 factions fighting over scraps of land, as if any were any match for the Canadians, Portuguese and Frenchmen knocking on our doors.

I propose a new solution, a utopia of thought and human progress unseen in human history! No central government, no economic necessities, everyone truly equal! Peace and equanimity running rampant through the streets!

Come, join YOUTOPIA! We now have control over Central Park, and as we grow in numbers so shall we grow in space! As more and more hear our message, and see the peace we create in our land and our soul - we will conquer all the hate and jealousy and despair of our current state!


- Ramayan Balkanan, founder of YOUTOPIA


YOUTOPIA is a new non-player faction whose actions are automated. If they meet the game end condition of more than 10 Star Spaces, they will win the game instead of any of you.  Territories controlled by YOUTOPIA cannot be captured by units of any faction. However, YOUTOPIA has no military, and they can only gain territory through peaceful conversion, which they achieve with their size.

A Zealot has been placed in every land space on the board, including the Badlands, New Ontario & New Portugal. Each is given a number to differentiate them. Attracted by YOUTOPIA - their mission is to get to the nearest YOUTOPIA-controlled territory as quickly as possible.

Zealots move 1 space per turn, and can only move over land or over a bridge. They move along the most direct path (fewest spaces) to the nearest YOUTOPIA territory. If given a choice, they will prefer an uncontrolled space furthest away from any faction, or in lieu of that, the space furthest from any Unit belonging to another Faction. Zealots move at the END of the turn, after all Factions fulfill their orders.

On every turn, every Unit belonging to a faction that is issued a HOLD command may take an additional KILL ZEALOTS action. If they choose to use this additional action – all Zealots in that space are killed.

YOUTOPIA currently occupies only Central Park, which is now a Star Space. For every 3 Zealots that enter YOUTOPIA-controlled territory, it will expand into the next desired territory. (glowing pink on the map). Note that if a faction has a Unit in a space that would be converted to YOUTOPIA, they will move on to the next expansion territory on the list and skip that space...for now. If there is no unoccupied space to move into, Units on the original space where YOUTOPIA wants to expand, they get sent back to your capital and that space goes to YOUTOPIA. (Note: YOUTOPIA will never destroy units)

To determine where YOUTOPIA plans to expand, follow the number order shown on the Zealots on the map where they all came into play (Fall 2049 - Turn 6).

Note: For every turn of the game – two maps will be provided, one will not include the Zealots, for easier readability. YOUTOPIA controlled territories will be shown in WHITE.

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