
Game Rules

To win the game, a faction must control more than 10 “star spaces” after the fall season of any given year. Star spaces are marked with pink stars.

The game starts in the spring of 2047. Each year has a turn in the spring and one in the fall. 

Each factions starts with a home base (the flag symbol). If a faction loses control of their home base, and they don't control any other land-based star spaces, they are eliminated from the game. Otherwise, they are allowed to move it to another land-based star space they control.

Note: A home base can only be defended if the faction has a Unit in that space - an undefended home base has a Defense Power of 0.


Each faction starts the game with a minimum of 3 units, and will earn and/or lose units during the game.
Units can be positioned on water or land.

There is a limit of only one unit per land space, except for a factions' home base (no limit there)
A faction can group any number of their units on any water space, and those units can support each other

Units on water space cannot attack a land space – they can only move onto a land space if it is uncontested. However, they can support a land unit’s attack on another land space.

Earning New Units: For each additional Star Space controlled, a faction is allowed to have an additional unit on the board. When they are allowed an extra unit, it will be automatically assigned at the end of the next turn. The new unit will enter play at the factions' home base.

Losing Units: If a faction ever controls more units than two more than the number of star spaces (due to losing one or more during the last turn) – they are forced to disband that many units of their choice.

Submitting Orders:

On each turn, they must submit an order for each Unit they control. The available choices for each Unit are: MOVE, HOLD OR  SUPPORT:

Moves a unit into a neighboring space.

- Space is empty and uncontested = Move successful
- Space is occupied by another of Unit of same type:
       LAND SPACE: Move does not occur 
       WATER SPACE: Move successful**
- Space is occupied by another faction = It ATTACKS (See Attacking)
           Only if move is LAND to LAND or WATER to WATER

** - Units who MOVE into a space already occupied by another unit of the same type will successfully move BEFORE that space is attacked by another faction.

Unit does not move. 
Note: This is the default order for every unit – should a faction forget to provide one.

The unit being ordered will provide 1 unit of support to another units attack or hold.  The unit being supported does not have to be of the same faction. This is the main reason for negotiating with the other players.

Notes on Supporting:

  • The space being where the battle occurs must be touching the space being supported from
  • The supporting unit is not attacked by another unit on the same turn.         ** See Clarification (1) at bottom of document
  • Supports can be offensive or defensive.
  • Units on land CANNOT support a water space.
  • Units on water CAN support a neighboring land space.


When an attack occurs, the greatest concentration of Power is always victorious; if the forces are equal, a standoff results and the units remain in their original positions. If a supporting unit is attacked by another unit, its support is nullified.

Since all units in the defending space immediately have all Support orders nullified, they are now declared as Defenders, and their strength is added to the defense value, regardless of the number of attackers.

Attack Power is dictated by:
+1 for Attacking Unit
+1 for each other Unit of the same faction Attacking the same space
+1 for each Support action from other Units (yourself or other players)

Defense Power is dictated by:
+1 for each Unit in space
+1 if the space is a Home Base
+1 for each Support action from other Units (yourself or other players)

In order to win the battle, Attack Power must be greater than the Defense Power.

If the attack is not successful: Attacking faction loses all units in the attack. Defending units are unharmed. Supporting units in other spaces remain unharmed.

If the attack is successful: Defending units are all lost. Supporting units in other spaces remain unharmed.

In the case where multiple players attack the same space, the attacking unit with the highest Attack Power conducts the attack and all others do not attack. In the case of a tie, no attack occurs is made – a standoff.

If a unit is ever defeated, it is removed from the board and it will respawn at your home base at the end of the following turn, as long as you have enough star spaces under your control to support the rebuilt unit.

Controlling Spaces:

Once a Unit is successfully moved into any land space, their faction gains control it until another faction moves a unit into it. Therefore, if a unit is moved out of a space they control, they continue to control it. They don’t have to “camp” a unit in each space.

For water spaces, as long as a faction has a unit there, they control it – and any other player trying to move into that space must hold a battle in that space.


If a faction is eliminated, the player that successfully captured their home base gains control of all territories remaining under the eliminated faction's control. All units of the defeated faction vanish from the game immediately.

Movement Examples:

- Players A and B move into same space
- A supports move with 1 unit, B supports with 0.
- A enters space and now controls it - B stays in current space and
does NOT move unit.

- A and B move into same space
- Neither A or B support the move (or support with same #)
- Neither A or B enters space, as there is a "standoff"
- Neither player loses units.

Turreton Rules:

Moe, Larry & Curly are the only three Turretons in existence. They are permanently located in the following Sea Spaces:

Moe:Lower Hudson River
Larry: Lower Bay
Curly: Long Island Sound

When they first enter play, Turretons are dormant, and have no defensive strength. The first time a space with a Turreton is occupied, it will become loyal to the current controller of that space. 
If defeated in battle, the Turretons remain and become loyal to the new controller of that space.

When defending, Turretons have a Power of 2. 

Turretons can support units in all land and water spaces it is adjacent to. When a Turreton supports, it does so with only one Power. However, they can only support units of their own faction.

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