

April 28, 2047

Ten years ago, the United States government, in light of its insurmountable debt and failing social system – collapsed, leaving the states of a once proud nation to fend for themselves. Most of them were just as destitute already, so it became open season across North America. The former United States was ravished by the power struggle that ensued. Canada took New England and most of the northern states. Mexico took New Mexico to Louisiana. Florida and Georgia were annexed by New Cuba. China conquered most of everything west of the Rocky Mountains. The Neo-Confederate Party even managed to form a new government in what was formerly Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee & the Carolinas. There were so many wars – and when the dust settled, there wasn’t much left but a desolate post-apolocolyptic mess. All that remains of America’s past glory is The Big Apple; New York, New York. The envy of every country, the city survived invasions from many nations intact – and remains a vibrant, modern, independent city. It serves as the only lasting reminder of America’s former glory.

What was deemed by some as World War III ended last month with the Global Peace Initiative. The GPI was inevitable after the biogenic weapons detonated throughout many regions were too much for the global community to bear. With the GPI signed, New York remains an independent city – with no clear government. Effectively sealed off from the rest of the world, it finds itself loosely held together by the last remaining influential people, corporations & gangs of the United States. These seven titans of America’s past have all established modest, yet equal footholds in New York. They are the only factions with the financial and material means to wrestle control of the city from the other factions and establish themselves as the official government of New York.

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