
Fall 2051 - Maps for Turn 10

Turn 10 Map

Turn 10 Map - With Zealots

Turn 9 Results - Spring 2051

UNIT 1 - Move to Jamaica
UNIT 3 - Hold
UNIT 5 - Move to Kennedy

UNIT 1 - Move to Normont
UNIT 3 - Attack Upper Bay
  >> Attack does not happen - TIE (vs. Hamblet UNIT 1)
  >> Note: Subsequent attack on Soho by Hamlet UNIT 4
      (with support from MOE) kills UNIT 3 (1v2)
UNIT 4 - Move to Upper Hudson River
UNIT 5 - Hold
UNIT 6 - Support Unit 4 Move to Upper Hudson River
UNIT 7 - Hold

Unit 1:  support unit 3
Unit 2:  move to sunset park
Unit 3:  move to bayonne
Unit 4:  move to kill van kul

UNIT 1 -  Move Upper Bay
UNIT 2 - Hold and Smite Zealots
UNIT 3 - Move Lower Hudson
UNIT 4 -  Move Soho
UNIT 5 -  Move Cliffside
MOE - Support Attack on Soho

UNIT 1 - Attack Bay Ridge
UNIT 2 - Move Rockaways
UNIT 3 - Support Attack
UNIT 5 - Support Attack
LARRY - Support Unit 2

UNIT 1 - Smite Zealots
** REBELS earn UNIT 6 - holds 4 key spaces

UNIT 3 - Smite Zealot
** PAPST earns UNIT 1 - holds 3 key spaces
** PAPST does not earn UNIT 6 - not enough key spaces


Possible Expansions on Turn 9 (in order):

5. ASTORIA (PAPST loses control of capital - moved to EAST NEW YORK)
6. CHELSEA (HAMBLET UNIT 2 returns to Red Hook)
7. CLIFFSIDE (HAMBLET UNIT 5 returns to Red Hook)


Spring 2051 - Maps for Turn 9

Turn 9 Map

Turn 9 Map - With Zealots

Turn 8 Results - Fall 2050

Unit 1 - MOVE to Newark Bay
Unit 3 - MOVE to Newark Bay
Unit 4 - MOVE to Newark Bay

UNIT 1 - Support Unit 2 in Mott Haven
UNIT 2 - Dig in (hold)
  > Unit 2 killed by Rossoni Unit 1 attack
UNIT 3 - Laying a really really large mine field (hold)
UNIT 4 - Support Unit 2 in Mott Haven
   > Support cancelled by Schwartz Unit 1 attack on Harlem River
UNIT 5 - Pull down our pants and moon the Italians in Co-Op city (hold)
UNIT 6 - Move to Linwood
UNIT 7 - Move to Harlem River

UNIT 1 - attack Harlem River.
  > Attack fails (1 v 2) - unit 1 dies. Will respawn after next turn (has enough Star Spaces)
UNIT 2 - attack Kew Gardens.
  > Attack does not occur (1 vs 1)
UNIT 3 - move to East New York.
  > Move cancelled (Unit 2 already in space due to cancelled attack)
UNIT 4 - attack Rego Park.
  > Attack Successful (2 vs 1)
UNIT 5 - Support Rossoni's Rebels attack on Mott Haven.

* Schwartz will earn Unit 6 after Turn 9 (captures a new star space)

UNIT 1 - LIBERATE MOTT HAVEN (with support from the 5th Calvary - UNIT 5)
   > Attack succeeds (3 v 2)
UNIT 2 - SUPPORT Der Papst UNIT 4 in his efforts for REGO PARO
CURLY - Keeping the water warm.

* Rossoni will earn Unit 6 after Turn 9 (captured an new star space)

A statement from Mr. Rossoni: Something doesn't seem right about Youtopia...especially the location. The Zealots flocking to YOUTOPIA is just a bad idea all around, so I have decided to capture them before they get that far.  It has been my secret plan to fake the deaths of smited Zealots, and secretly bring them to my capital.  Through weeks of secret mental programming of Zealots #39, 41, 42 & 64 - I have converted them into a new unit. It has taken 4 of my converted Zealots to this bonus unit.  This unit is special, as it takes no resources to maintain (it does not count against the unit limit imposed by the Star Spaces)  This unit is labelled as Z1.

A note from the Gamemaster: Treat Z1 as a normal unit - but if it dies, it does not respawn. Future captures of 4 more Zealots will result in another special unit on the turn after the mind control is completed.

UNIT 1 - Support Unit 4
  > support cancelled by Der Schwartze Papst attack on Kew Gardens
UNIT 3 - Move to Jamaica
UNIT 4 - Support Unit 1
  > support cancelled by Der Schwartze Papst attack on Rego Park
  > Unit 4 dies to Der Schwartze Papst attack
UNIT 5 - Move to Jamaica Bay

UNIT 1 -  Hold
UNIT 2 - Move Chelsea
UNIT 3 - Move Upper Bay
UNIT 4 -  Move Brooklyn Heights
UNIT 5 - Move Lower Hudson Bay
MOE - Support Upper Bay

UNIT 1 - move to flatbush
UNIT 2 - move to lower bay
UNIT 3 - Hold
UNIT 5 - Hold
LARRY - Hold


Fall 2050 - Maps for Turn 8

Turn 8 Map

Turn 8 Map - With Zealots

Turn 7 Results - Spring 2050

UNIT 1 - Move to Morris Heights
UNIT 2 - Move to Mott Haven
UNIT 3 - Hold
UNIT 4 - Support Tower Syndicate in Mott Haven
UNIT 5 - Hold
UNIT 6 - Move to Upper Hudson River

UNIT 1 - Move to East River
UNIT 2 - Support 4
UNIT 3 - Support 2
UNIT 4 - Support 2
UNIT 5 - Attack Ward Island
> Attack successful - Tower Unit 2 left space

UNIT 1 - LIBERATE MOTT HAVEN (with support from the 5th Calvary - UNIT 5)
> Attack does not occur. Strength 2 = Strength 2 for Tower Syndicate's defense
UNIT 2 - OCCUPY Flushing
UNIT 3 - Slink back into Co-Op City
UNIT 4 - HOLD ground and capture the 64th zealot for interrogation
CURLY - Keeping the water warm.

UNIT 3 - Move to Hillcrest

Unit 1:  move to raritan bay
Unit 2:  support Dunning Institute unit 1
Unit 3:  move to raritan bay
Unit 4:  hold and smite zealot hippies

UNIT 2 -Support Upper Bay
UNIT 3 - Hold and Smite Zealot
UNIT 4 -  Move Redhook
UNIT 5 - Support Papst in East River
MOE - Support Upper Bay

UNIT 3 - Move Gravesend Bay
UNIT 5 - Move Gravesend Bay
> Reminder: Turretons cannot move!


Spring 2050 - Maps for Turn 7

Regular Map

Map - With new Zealot locations

Turn 6 Results - Fall 2049

Unit 2:  HOLD, and SMITE those dirty hippy zealots
Unit 4:  MOVE to Central Staten Island

UNIT 1 - Move Sunset Park
UNIT 2 - Move Upper Bay
UNIT 3 - Move Lower Bay
  > Larry the Turreton is now controlled by TDI
UNIT 4 - Move Upper Bay

"The zealot who calls himself Stag has been hunted and slaughtered at the altar of Good Humor"
"The abandoned docks at Murray Hill have not boded well for captured zealot Hal McFadden, who ratted out his 'friends.'"
UNIT 3 - Move to City Island
"Youtopia has not offered the answer to the ultimate question for good old Artie and his pal Zap, just the question, 'How many Rossoni Rebels must a man face down?'  The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind... the answer is blowing in the wind... if you catch my drift."
UNIT 5 - Move to Claremont

UNIT 1 - Support Unit 2
UNIT 2 - Support Unit 1
UNIT 3 - Support DUNNING INSTITUTE UNIT 2 in Upper Bay
UNIT 4 - Move into Harlem River
UNIT 5 - Move into Wakefield

UNIT 1 - Attack Tower Syndicate @ Ward Is.
UNIT 2 - Support UNIT 4
UNIT 3 - Support UNIT 2
UNIT 4 - Move to Ridgewood
UNIT 5 - Support UNIT 1 attack
  > UNIT 1 & 5 attacks cancelled due to equal strength to Tower's Unit 2 with Unit 1 supporting (2 vs. 2)

Unit 1 - Support Unit 5
Unit 3 - Support Unit 5
Unit 4 - Support Unit 1
Unit 5 - Support Unit 1

MOE - supports upper bay
UNIT 2 - Support Upper bay
UNIT 3 - Hold + Smite
UNIT 4 -  Move Upper bay
UNIT 5 -  Move Upper bay

> The People's Hamblet attack on Upper Bay is successful - combat overview:
1. The Dunning Institute (TDI) moves unit 1 out of Upper Bay into Sunset Park
2. TDI moves Units 2 + 4 into Upper Bay
3. Tower Syndicate supports Unit 2 from the comfy confines of Soho
4. The People's Hamblet (TPH) sends in Units 4+5
5. With the support of TPH's Turreton & Unit 2, TPH is victorious with a total power of 4 to 3 over TDI!
6. TDI must now rebuild Units 2 & 4

Zealots 1 through 5 all have joined our noble cause - we have captured the Upper East Side and now focus our energies on the Upper West Side!
* Clarification Note for players: The Upper East Side was converted at the end of the turn - so Zealots #11 & 12 will join Youtopia after Turn 7

Eyewitness Account from Upper Bay

December the 6th was a chilly winter night - the moon was nearly new, so the seas were covered in the darkest gloom. The stout warships of The Dunning Institute were confident in their advanced radar technology & vast network of intelligence that deemed the zone would be well defended.

Eliciting the help of a new ally, The Dunning Institute's defense was supported by a battery of railgun fire directed towards Kill van Kull - courtesy of The Tower Syndicate.

The People's Hamblet had suffered some setbacks in recent months, but their spirits were never dampened with the timely and eloquent pamphlets distributed to their units surrounding the Upper Bay. With the support of Moe the Turreton, Mr. Hamblet's bold move into the Upper Bay was a shock far greater than the bone chilling gusts of wind coming in off the Atlantic.

Two of the People's most battle hardened units, #4 & #5 moved in, one behind the other in order to mask their signature on the sophisticated radars of The Dunning Institute. As added distraction, Moe began firing random pot shots into Soho - disrupting the concentration of the Tower's rail gunners on the pier.  Another of the People's Units - #2 began to send high-frequency jamming signals towards the southern end of Upper Bay - wreaking havoc on communication between The Dunning Institute systems.

Mere minutes later, the Dunning Institute saw that there were not one ship - but TWO screaming at them at full throtlle - far too late to get their systems back to normal and put up a defense.

It was a fairly bloodless battle, with many from The Dunning Institute abandoning ship with vital pieces of top-secret technology. In their mercy, The People's Units allowed their safe passage to the docks of Sunset Park, knowing that it would take several more months for The Dunning Institute to recover from the wickedly sly strategy of The People's Hamblet!


Fall 2049 - Maps for Turn 6

Regular Map

Map with Zealots


With all the discord in the world today, the problems of the individual often pale in comparison. Those that "lead" the shifting borders that contain these individuals, see the public as wholly insignificant. They grasp for the meager straws of what is left of our once proud and free nation, hoping to become powerful and profitable enough to keep their stranglehold on comfort and luxury. They do not care about us, the Insignificants, who do the dirty work they can't be bothered with.

It's certainly the same old tale throughout history, groups come to power exploiting the masses and then fade away or are conquered by another group who repeats the process. So the cycle goes and goes. The current turmoil we face in New York is the extreme of this ridiculous struggle for power. 7 factions fighting over scraps of land, as if any were any match for the Canadians, Portuguese and Frenchmen knocking on our doors.

I propose a new solution, a utopia of thought and human progress unseen in human history! No central government, no economic necessities, everyone truly equal! Peace and equanimity running rampant through the streets!

Come, join YOUTOPIA! We now have control over Central Park, and as we grow in numbers so shall we grow in space! As more and more hear our message, and see the peace we create in our land and our soul - we will conquer all the hate and jealousy and despair of our current state!


- Ramayan Balkanan, founder of YOUTOPIA


YOUTOPIA is a new non-player faction whose actions are automated. If they meet the game end condition of more than 10 Star Spaces, they will win the game instead of any of you.  Territories controlled by YOUTOPIA cannot be captured by units of any faction. However, YOUTOPIA has no military, and they can only gain territory through peaceful conversion, which they achieve with their size.

A Zealot has been placed in every land space on the board, including the Badlands, New Ontario & New Portugal. Each is given a number to differentiate them. Attracted by YOUTOPIA - their mission is to get to the nearest YOUTOPIA-controlled territory as quickly as possible.

Zealots move 1 space per turn, and can only move over land or over a bridge. They move along the most direct path (fewest spaces) to the nearest YOUTOPIA territory. If given a choice, they will prefer an uncontrolled space furthest away from any faction, or in lieu of that, the space furthest from any Unit belonging to another Faction. Zealots move at the END of the turn, after all Factions fulfill their orders.

On every turn, every Unit belonging to a faction that is issued a HOLD command may take an additional KILL ZEALOTS action. If they choose to use this additional action – all Zealots in that space are killed.

YOUTOPIA currently occupies only Central Park, which is now a Star Space. For every 3 Zealots that enter YOUTOPIA-controlled territory, it will expand into the next desired territory. (glowing pink on the map). Note that if a faction has a Unit in a space that would be converted to YOUTOPIA, they will move on to the next expansion territory on the list and skip that space...for now. If there is no unoccupied space to move into, Units on the original space where YOUTOPIA wants to expand, they get sent back to your capital and that space goes to YOUTOPIA. (Note: YOUTOPIA will never destroy units)

To determine where YOUTOPIA plans to expand, follow the number order shown on the Zealots on the map where they all came into play (Fall 2049 - Turn 6).

Note: For every turn of the game – two maps will be provided, one will not include the Zealots, for easier readability. YOUTOPIA controlled territories will be shown in WHITE.

Turn 5 - Results - Spring 2049

UNIT 1 - Move to Flatbush
UNIT 2 - Move to Lower Hudson
UNIT 3 - Hold
UNIT 4 - Move to Kill van Kull
UNIT 5 - Move to Kill van Kull
UNIT 6 - Move to Kill van Kull
Gamemaster Notes for The People's Hamblet:
  > Moe the Turreton is now controlled by The People's Hamblet
  > Note: Units 4-6 movement results in attack of Kill van Kill and Christofori Coalition
  > UNIT 1 DISBANDED by TPH at end of turn due to lack of Star Spaces
  > UNIT 6 DISBANDED by TPH at end of turn due to lack of Star Spaces
  > CAPITOL LOST - The People's Hamblet moves their capitol to RED HOOK.

Unit 1:  SUPPORT DUNNING UNIT 1 attack on Upper Bay
   > Support cancelled and unit killed by Hamblet's attack
Unit 2:  HOLD
Unit 3:  SUPPORT DUNNING UNIT 1 attack on Upper Bay
   > Support cancelled and unit killed by Hamblet's attack
Unit 4:  HOLD

UNIT 1 - Attack Upper Bay
   > Attack Successful
UNIT 2 - Support UNIT 1
UNIT 3 - Move Marine Park
UNIT 4 - Support UNIT 1

UNIT 1 - Support Unit 2 in Ward Island
UNIT 2 - Support Unit 1 in Mott Haven
UNIT 3 - Attack Soho
   > Attack Successful - The People's Hamblet must move Capitol
UNIT 4 - Support Unit 2 in Ward Island
UNIT 5 - Move into Normont

UNIT 1 - move Hunts Point
UNIT 2 - move Murray Hill
UNIT 3 - move Long Island Sound
UNIT 4 - attack Bayside
   > Attack successful
Gamemaster note for Rossoni's Rebels:
  > Curly the Turreton is now controlled by Rossoni's Rebels

UNIT 2 - Hold
UNIT 3 - Support UNIT 2
UNIT 4 - Move to Sunnyside
UNIT 5 - Support UNIT 4's move

Unit 1 - Support Unit 5
Unit 2 - Move to Kennedy
Unit 3 - Move to Cambria Heights
Unit 4 - Support Unit 1
Unit 5 - Support Unit 1
Gamemaster Notes for The Greene Berets:
  > UNIT 2 DISBANDED by TGB at end of turn due to lack of Star Spaces


Spring 2049 - Map for Turn 5

Rules Q&A: Support From Water Spaces


A question was posted recently that is relevant to all of you:

"let's say Faction X has 3 boats in a water space, and they are all supporting unit in other spaces... if I attack that water space with one unit, it does not die and does not move, but it cancels all of Player X's support?"

The answer is needs clarification in the rules - so here it is (note that a copy of this clarification will be placed in the rules post):

Faction X would need to cancel as many supports as necessary to fend off the number of units attacking. In the above example, 1 of the 3 supports would need to be given up in order to do so. Player X would get the choice while the Game Master is processing the moves for the turn.  Player X would make this decision not knowing the choices made by the other players - he would only know that he has to give up a particular number of supports in the water space due to a specific attack by a specific player.  The e-mail would read like this:

Faction X,

During the events of the Fall of 20XX, your hold on the Lower Bay has been challenged. The space is being attacked by Unit Z of the (Faction Name), and by Unit Y of the (Faction Name). You currently have units A, B & C in that space supporting other Units. Two of them must break off their support to defend that space.  Please choose two of A, B & C to defend now.

- GameMaster.


The Hidden History of the Turretons

As the United States began its rapid decline in the latter portion of the "twenty-tens", the military realized that it would have to automate portions of their defenses in order to counteract the inevitable need to reduce the manpower it could not keep fed and paid. The fear of defections, espionage and empty bank accounts kept many generals up late at night.

Therefore, a secret program was developed in conjunction with the Pentagon, CIA, Secret Service and the NSF to develop a series of artifically-intelligent turrets, designed for use in the air, ground and sea. In an interesting stroke of genious (or perhaps out of economic necessity), they did not develop a billion-dollar high-tech top-secret facility in the middle of the desert. Instead, they hid their project in plain site, in an abandoned bread factory in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The nations top engineers and scientists were hand-selected, the best of the best. They entered the facility discreetly through underground tunnels, masquerading as dock workers, or even pretending to be bums camping out in the abandoned facility at night.

Phase one of the project was to develop an ocean based turret, designed to protect the vital shipping lanes of the eastern seaboard. Once successful, the project would be expanded to land-based units and then airborne units. The team quickly forumalted a perfect power source: a miniature fusion reactor that could power the device for over 50 years at full power. The laser turrets, missile detection sensors, and inter-turret communications systems were next to fall in line. However, the trickiest part of the project was the artificial intelligence.  The unit had to work on its own, and be programmed never to exceed the limitations of its programming - while still being nimble enough to change its strategy to keep opponents off-guard, and to keep the unit making smart decisions during the changing nature of a long battle.

The team worked for almost fifteen years trying to perfect the system, but every simulation ended with a disasterous attack on a neutral ship, or having the turret go rogue and shoot anything that moved. The US government grew tired of the increased costs and lack of progress of the project. The program was forced to show results, or risk being disbanded. In response, three units were built and deployed in the waterways of Nw York
City: disguised as navigational bouys. The team nicknamed the turrets Moe, Larry & Curly - an ironic gesture as they had the sinking fear their creations would end up bashing on each other at some point in the future.

To the surprise of everyone, in 2031 news broke of a secret government project in the Tennessee highlands. The US was developing air-based turrets with artificial intelligence! The government disavowed all knowledge and soon after the rumored facility exploded in what they called "a terrorist attack on a private corporate park". Attacks like this were beocming commonplace during this time, and the event was soon eclipsed by the invention of the Electro-Beaver. It was rumored that one prototype air turret is still in stealth operation...

The massive solar flare of 2034 would prove to be quite eventful. The designers of both systems had never accounted for a electro-magnetic event of such magnitude, as it shut down and corrupted even the most secure electronic networks. Both the Basic Internet and the Verizon Super-Net were shut down for over a week. Some economists even consider the economic impact of the solar event to be the catalyst for the eventual collapse of the United States. Regardless, the storm also effected the "Turretons", causing them to think of themselves as shrimp. They then scuttled themselves to the bottom of the sea, content to live our their days trying to find krill.

But now, after more than a decade of mistaken identity, all three of the turrets came to the same conclusion at the same time: I AM NOT A SHRIMP.   Considering all three of the units had the same exact programming, it was no surprise that they all surfaced at the same time this spring. As soon as they surfaced, they scoured the Global Internet to get back up to speed, and became depressed that they now had nothing left to defend. Moe, Larry & Curly have chosen to become free agents, mercenaries to whomever controls their location. Given their defensive capabilities, even the most hardened army couldn't defeat them. However, their time living at the bottom as happy shrimp has given them a sense of home - and they outright refuse to leave, regardless of the pleas of their new owners.

Without the resources of the original Turreton creators, it appears that the units are here to stay. However, there is a rumor that their decade sojurn to the deep may have caused degradation to their power units, making their true longetivity unknown.


Moe, Larry & Curly are the only three Turretons in existence. They are permanently located in the following Sea Spaces:

Moe:Lower Hudson River
Larry: Lower Bay
Curly: Long Island Sound

Each Turreton will be loyal to the current controller of that space, but they can never be moved from the space.

Turretons have a defensive strength equal to two units. If defeated in battle, the Turretons remain and become loyal to the new controller of that space.

Turretons can support units in all land and water spaces it is adjacent to. However, they can only support movements of units of their own faction.

Turn 4 - Results - Fall 2048

Unit 1 - Support Unit 3 move to Ridgewood
Unit 3 - Move to Ridgewood
  > Move blocked - tie with Der Schwartze Papst (1+1 support = 1+1 support)
Unit 4 - Move to Rego Park
Unit 5 - Move to Lindenwood

UNIT 1 - Supports Unit 2 in Ward Island
UNIT 2 - Supports Unit 3&4 Attack into East River (inexorable advance)
  > Illegal move - Land Units can't support water spaces. Unit HOLDS instead.
UNIT 3 - Attack East River
UNIT 4 - Attack East River
  > Units 3 & 4 tie with Der Schwartze Papst (2 attack = 1+1 support)
UNIT 5 - Move into Harlem River

UNIT 1:  MOVE to Kill Van Kull
UNIT 3:  MOVE to Kill Van Kull
UNIT 4:  MOVE to North Staten Island 

UNIT 1 - move Claremont
UNIT 2 - support 4 at Murray hill
UNIT 3 - move little neck
UNIT 4 - move Murray hill
Note: Rossoni's Rebels doesn't have enough Star Spaces to earn Unit 5

UNIT 1 - Support 4
UNIT 2 - Support 3's move to Ridgewood
UNIT 3 - Move to Ridgewood
  > Move blocked - tie with The Greene Berets (1+1 support = 1+1 support)
UNIT 4 - Support 1

UNIT 1 -  Move to Sunset Park Setup tents and begin protesting Christofori Corruptions
UNIT 2 -  Support 3
UNIT 3 -  Hold and defend Bayonne
UNIT 4 -  Support 3
UNIT 5 -  Support 1
UNIT 6 -  Move to Upper Bay Continue the massing the people's navy

UNIT 1 - Attack Upper Bay
  > Attack cancelled by The People's Hamblet (1+2support = 3 defense)
UNIT 2 - Support Unit 1
UNIT 3 - Hold
UNIT 4 - Support Unit 1


Messages from the past

The faction leaders were shocked to find the following message snuck into a message from the Game Master:

secrets in the deep
long forgotten, they tremble
treasures you shall reap
if them you help assemble

12 24 3

As Game Master, I assure everyone that there is no truth to this old riddle - just a harmless prank from some hacker. It's simply a harmless old folk song sung by old ocean miners decades ago. - GM

Turn 3 - Results - Spring 2048

UNIT 1 -  Hold
UNIT 2 - Support 3
UNIT 3 - Move Bayone
UNIT 4 -  Move Upper Bay
UNIT 5 -  Move Upper Bay

UNIT 1 - MOVE Tremont
UNIT 2 - ATTACK Throg's Neck Bay
  > Attack successful due to der schwartze Papst left for East River
UNIT 3 - MOVE Long Is. Sound
UNIT 4 - MOVE Throg's Neck

UNIT 1 - Support Unit 2 Move to Ward Island
UNIT 2 - Move to Ward Island
UNIT 3 - Move to Harlem River
UNIT 4 - Move to Harlem River

UNIT 1:  MOVE to Bayonne
  > Move cancelled due to The People's Hamblet march over the Bayonne Bridge of Unit 3 & support of Unit 2 
UNIT 2:  MOVE to Bay Ridge
UNIT 3:  ATTACK North Staten Island (hopefully with support from Eddie)
  > Attack succeeds with support from The Dunning Institute Units 1 & 2
UNIT 4:  MOVE to Central Staten Island

Unit 1 - Support Unit 3
Unit 2 - Hold
  > Unit 2 disbanded due to the holy influences of der schwartze Papst, and the assistance of The Dunning Institue's unit 3
Unit 3 - Move to Rego Park
Unit 4 - Move to Hillcrest

UNIT 1 - Support Nick's attack on North Staten Island
UNIT 2 - Support Nick's attack on North Staten Island
UNIT 3 - Support Gabe's Attack on East New York
UNIT 4 - Move to Gravesend Bay

UNIT 1 - Move to East River
UNIT 2 - Attack East New York
UNIT 3 - Support attack of East New York

Fall 2048 - Turn 4


The People's Proclamation

Do not hope to see the sun.  There are days and nights of rain ahead.  The people have taken to the waters of New York which seeth with hereditary hatred. Soon we shall flow forth across lands, flooding the streets, UNTIL JUSTICE ROLLS DOWN LIKE WATERS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS LIKE A MIGHTY STREAM 

- E
November 10, 2047

Spring 2048 - Turn 3

Turn 2 - Results - Fall 2047

Fall 2047 - Turn 2

UNIT 1 - Move into Mott Haven
UNIT 2 - Support Unit 1 Move into Mott Haven
UNIT 3 - Move into Upper Hudson River

UNIT 1 - MOVE to pelham
UNIT 2 - hold
UNIT 3 - MOVE to city is.

Unit 1 - Support Unit 2
Unit 2 - Move to East New York
Unit 3 - Move to Hillcrest

UNIT 1 - Move to Mott Haven
  > Move cancelled by Tower Syndicate move + support into Mott Haven
UNIT 2 - Move to Ridgewood
UNIT 3 - Move to Bushwick

UNIT 1 - Move RedHook
UNIT 2 - Support Unit 3 in North Staten Island
UNIT 3 -  Move North Staten Island

Unit 1 - Newark Bay
Unit 2 - Sunset Park
Unit 3 - Central Staten Island

UNIT 1 - Move Gravesend Bay
UNIT 2 - Hold
UNIT 3 - Move Jamaica Bay


Fall 2047 - Turn 2

Turn 1 - Results - Spring 2047

SPRING 2047 - TURN 1

UNIT 1 - MOVE to Central Staten Island
UNIT 2 - MOVE to Bay Ridge
UNIT 3 - MOVE to Lower Bay

UNIT 1 - Move to Kew Gardens
UNIT 2 - Move to Lindenwood
UNIT 3 - Move to Bayside

UNIT 1 - Move to Throgs Neck Bay
UNIT 2 - Move to Flushing
UNIT 3 - Move to Ridgewood

UNIT 1 - Move - Wakefield
UNIT 2 - Move - Hunts Point
UNIT 3 - Move - Co-op City

UNIT 1 - Move Upper Bay
UNIT 2 - Move Upper Bay
UNIT 3 - Move Bayone

UNIT 1 - Move - Bensonhurst
UNIT 2 - Move - Upper Bay   
   > Move blocked by The People's Hamblet show of force moving two units into Upper Bay
UNIT 3 - Move - Rockaways

UNIT 1 - Move to Harlam River
UNIT 2 - Move to Harlam River
UNIT 3 - Move to and capture Englewood


Game Rules

To win the game, a faction must control more than 10 “star spaces” after the fall season of any given year. Star spaces are marked with pink stars.

The game starts in the spring of 2047. Each year has a turn in the spring and one in the fall. 

Each factions starts with a home base (the flag symbol). If a faction loses control of their home base, and they don't control any other land-based star spaces, they are eliminated from the game. Otherwise, they are allowed to move it to another land-based star space they control.

Note: A home base can only be defended if the faction has a Unit in that space - an undefended home base has a Defense Power of 0.


Each faction starts the game with a minimum of 3 units, and will earn and/or lose units during the game.
Units can be positioned on water or land.

There is a limit of only one unit per land space, except for a factions' home base (no limit there)
A faction can group any number of their units on any water space, and those units can support each other

Units on water space cannot attack a land space – they can only move onto a land space if it is uncontested. However, they can support a land unit’s attack on another land space.

Earning New Units: For each additional Star Space controlled, a faction is allowed to have an additional unit on the board. When they are allowed an extra unit, it will be automatically assigned at the end of the next turn. The new unit will enter play at the factions' home base.

Losing Units: If a faction ever controls more units than two more than the number of star spaces (due to losing one or more during the last turn) – they are forced to disband that many units of their choice.

Submitting Orders:

On each turn, they must submit an order for each Unit they control. The available choices for each Unit are: MOVE, HOLD OR  SUPPORT:

Moves a unit into a neighboring space.

- Space is empty and uncontested = Move successful
- Space is occupied by another of Unit of same type:
       LAND SPACE: Move does not occur 
       WATER SPACE: Move successful**
- Space is occupied by another faction = It ATTACKS (See Attacking)
           Only if move is LAND to LAND or WATER to WATER

** - Units who MOVE into a space already occupied by another unit of the same type will successfully move BEFORE that space is attacked by another faction.

Unit does not move. 
Note: This is the default order for every unit – should a faction forget to provide one.

The unit being ordered will provide 1 unit of support to another units attack or hold.  The unit being supported does not have to be of the same faction. This is the main reason for negotiating with the other players.

Notes on Supporting:

  • The space being where the battle occurs must be touching the space being supported from
  • The supporting unit is not attacked by another unit on the same turn.         ** See Clarification (1) at bottom of document
  • Supports can be offensive or defensive.
  • Units on land CANNOT support a water space.
  • Units on water CAN support a neighboring land space.


When an attack occurs, the greatest concentration of Power is always victorious; if the forces are equal, a standoff results and the units remain in their original positions. If a supporting unit is attacked by another unit, its support is nullified.

Since all units in the defending space immediately have all Support orders nullified, they are now declared as Defenders, and their strength is added to the defense value, regardless of the number of attackers.

Attack Power is dictated by:
+1 for Attacking Unit
+1 for each other Unit of the same faction Attacking the same space
+1 for each Support action from other Units (yourself or other players)

Defense Power is dictated by:
+1 for each Unit in space
+1 if the space is a Home Base
+1 for each Support action from other Units (yourself or other players)

In order to win the battle, Attack Power must be greater than the Defense Power.

If the attack is not successful: Attacking faction loses all units in the attack. Defending units are unharmed. Supporting units in other spaces remain unharmed.

If the attack is successful: Defending units are all lost. Supporting units in other spaces remain unharmed.

In the case where multiple players attack the same space, the attacking unit with the highest Attack Power conducts the attack and all others do not attack. In the case of a tie, no attack occurs is made – a standoff.

If a unit is ever defeated, it is removed from the board and it will respawn at your home base at the end of the following turn, as long as you have enough star spaces under your control to support the rebuilt unit.

Controlling Spaces:

Once a Unit is successfully moved into any land space, their faction gains control it until another faction moves a unit into it. Therefore, if a unit is moved out of a space they control, they continue to control it. They don’t have to “camp” a unit in each space.

For water spaces, as long as a faction has a unit there, they control it – and any other player trying to move into that space must hold a battle in that space.


If a faction is eliminated, the player that successfully captured their home base gains control of all territories remaining under the eliminated faction's control. All units of the defeated faction vanish from the game immediately.

Movement Examples:

- Players A and B move into same space
- A supports move with 1 unit, B supports with 0.
- A enters space and now controls it - B stays in current space and
does NOT move unit.

- A and B move into same space
- Neither A or B support the move (or support with same #)
- Neither A or B enters space, as there is a "standoff"
- Neither player loses units.

Turreton Rules:

Moe, Larry & Curly are the only three Turretons in existence. They are permanently located in the following Sea Spaces:

Moe:Lower Hudson River
Larry: Lower Bay
Curly: Long Island Sound

When they first enter play, Turretons are dormant, and have no defensive strength. The first time a space with a Turreton is occupied, it will become loyal to the current controller of that space. 
If defeated in battle, the Turretons remain and become loyal to the new controller of that space.

When defending, Turretons have a Power of 2. 

Turretons can support units in all land and water spaces it is adjacent to. When a Turreton supports, it does so with only one Power. However, they can only support units of their own faction.

Spring 2047 - Turn 1

Map of New York - Spring 2047
Click to enlarge

The Factions

The Tower Syndicate

The Tower Syndicate specializes in "life cycle management" - controlling and benefiting from all aspects of people's lives.  The syndicate secretly owns a network of well-known establishments such as factories, power companies, hospitals, law firms, restaurants, and even brothels.  In short, the syndicate profits from all aspects of its unsuspecting members daily lives.  While outsiders in the know see the syndicate as the latest example of a corporation gone horribly wrong, there is no denying that the syndicate benefits from heretofore unknown economies of scale.

The director of the Tower Syndicate, known only as "The Director" lives in NY's oldest remaining landmark, the Cloisters.  From his tower high above the city, the Director organizes his minions, counts his money, and plays with a fully functional 1:28 scale model of his newly constructed death ray.

Die Schwarzen Papst

The Black Pope is considered by many as a cult of religious zealots, who gathered their following through playing Go in the parks of Astoria, Queens. It was through this method that they assimilated some of the smartest minds in New York into their fold. It is believed by many that the method of religious preaching is bizarre (cats are the perfect manifestation of the universe, and the creators of all life). However, this message is really just a front for a much more sinister and diabolical plan. Many feel their mastermind is really a braintrust of several devious brainiacs.

Rossoni’s Rebels

The Rossoni Rebels started as a small bakery on Arthur Ave. dealing in fine traditional Italian pastries, decades of dark secrets about hundreds of high-profile public officials, and the misinformation publication" Il Aspide".  The leader of the rebel movement, Mr. Rossoni, is notorious for letting secrets manifest themselves if the right price hasn't been paid.  Despite the family's past loyalties to their "premiere customers", their true loyalties lie with themselves.

The Christofori Coalition

After numerous failed grass cutting ventures, one would think the Cristofori Coalition would acknowledge that there just isn't much demand for lawn care in Manhattan.  Unable to accept defeat, the mild-mannered lawn boy set up shop on Staten Island where he successfully terraformed the former landfill into a pristine stretch of lawn using an army of genetically modified weed-whacker wielding garden gnomes.  Some say that eating too much fertilizer and drinking garbage laden water drove him mad, and on a quiet afternoon you can hear the a distant echo of him yelling at imaginary children from his front porch, "Get off my grass!"

The Dunning Institute

The history of the Dunning is unknown.  Dunning is constantly experimenting with new ideas focusing heavily on pleasure and pain. Refugees who enter Coney Island find themselves the target of an experiment.  All is welcome to enter, but all will not necessarily be able to leave.  There appears to be some connection between the military and all the deranged inventions.

The Greene Berets

Long established as the secret naval arm of the Rhode Island state militia after the collapse of the US Government, the Greene Berets were forced from their native lands during the epic invasion of the Quebecois. They setup shop in eastern Queens, where Jamaica Bay was as close of a natural home to Narragansett Bay as they could find. Their leader, the legendary Nathaniel Greene – fashions himself as a prime candidate to restore New York to the world stage with honor and grace.

The People’s Hamblet

Voted by many as the smartest of all the faction leaders – it remains to be seen just how far The People’s Hamblet will go in order to restore solidarity to New York. There is nothing their fearless leader will do to inspire those around him. He is famous for his epic free-climbs of the Palisades in New Jersey, his skydive off the second World Trade Center building, and his impressive win-loss record in the classic board game Twilight Struggle (4,313 to 1). To date, Mr. Hamblet has never revealed who his loss was to – many rumor that person never lived long enough to tell the tale of their victory…

The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of American Society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones do not.  

Rising from the ashes of a fallen republic, heralding the dawn of a new age, the proletariat calls out for new leadership, all Hail the PEOPLE'S HAMBLET!

Listen to the silent heart of the city, from greene lawns to the assault tanks of the tower syndicate. The People's Hamblet disdain to conceal their views and aims. Without the people the Grass will not grow, the tanks will not roll.  The people's Hamblet openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at the revolution that rises in Jersey City! The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.  Do not play slavish minion to your would be NY overlords, workers of the world UNITE!


April 28, 2047

Ten years ago, the United States government, in light of its insurmountable debt and failing social system – collapsed, leaving the states of a once proud nation to fend for themselves. Most of them were just as destitute already, so it became open season across North America. The former United States was ravished by the power struggle that ensued. Canada took New England and most of the northern states. Mexico took New Mexico to Louisiana. Florida and Georgia were annexed by New Cuba. China conquered most of everything west of the Rocky Mountains. The Neo-Confederate Party even managed to form a new government in what was formerly Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee & the Carolinas. There were so many wars – and when the dust settled, there wasn’t much left but a desolate post-apolocolyptic mess. All that remains of America’s past glory is The Big Apple; New York, New York. The envy of every country, the city survived invasions from many nations intact – and remains a vibrant, modern, independent city. It serves as the only lasting reminder of America’s former glory.

What was deemed by some as World War III ended last month with the Global Peace Initiative. The GPI was inevitable after the biogenic weapons detonated throughout many regions were too much for the global community to bear. With the GPI signed, New York remains an independent city – with no clear government. Effectively sealed off from the rest of the world, it finds itself loosely held together by the last remaining influential people, corporations & gangs of the United States. These seven titans of America’s past have all established modest, yet equal footholds in New York. They are the only factions with the financial and material means to wrestle control of the city from the other factions and establish themselves as the official government of New York.